Pacific salmon are reported to swim upstream against fierce currents annually. As a natural inclination of the species, the swim is dangerous and filled with predators like hungry bears. Still, the salmon are not deterred and fight to reach the place where they must spawn. Unlike Pacific salmon, most people entering the voiceover business will turn back or close their recording studios for good within the first couple of years. Most of us will not develop the drive of salmon. So, here are some things to consider with voiceacting or any business when you have to continue against the drift or alone.
The Honeymoon Will End
Honeymooners know about the euphoria of those first few days into a new marriage. And like a new marriage, setting up that microphone, social media pages, and so on for a new voiceover business can be fun and exciting. The thought of hearing one’s voice over a streaming service or other media is a wonderful goal. But, when the opportunities don’t come quickly, it’s easy to become discouraged. Moreover, with the initial cost of websites, demos, and proper home studio furnishings, the voiceover honeymoon can end abruptly.
This first lesson is not to give up. Focusing on your goals can keep you moving forward. It’s not just the destination but the journey. The journey is the preparation for reaching the destination.
Watch for Fair-weather Supporters

In the beginning, you will have many supporters and maybe a few business partners. But as the road to success becomes filled with setbacks, obstacles, rejections, and financial challenges, those inexperienced in the voice-over business may only be with you for a while.
Stay Focused During The Fall Away
If you think you can make it in voiceovers, you probably can. So, you must make sure you are focused on what you want and why it’s important to you. No one else can give you purpose and meaning for any pursuit. Review why you got into this business and keep going.
Forgive Often Especially Yourself
As a creative, there will be times when you may feel discouraged, lonely, and even depressed about your lack of success. Having high standards is good, but sometimes we don’t make our own targets. Likewise, there may be times when you feel rejected, misunderstood, or disrespected by others. Strong negative feelings can be dream killers. Remember to forgive often, especially yourself.
Don’t Let Others Tell You When To Quit
You are the only one who can close your doors. Finances and training are the most important parts of your business. When it comes to advice, think about the advice you are receiving and why. It’s good to get business training and mentoring, but make sure the advice is not just a shot to the heart of your dream.
Don’t Compare Yourself To Others (or them to you)
We’ve all seen our colleagues on Facebook and Instagram post about the big jobs they received. Many voice talents post about their awarded big and high-visibility jobs on social media. Seeing someone else’s success while you’re struggling to keep the lights on in your voice-over studio can be a little discouraging.
One of the good things about the voiceover business is the uniqueness each of us brings to the industry. As you continue to market and look for jobs, you will find your niche and where your voice is the most marketable. So don’t worry if you (for now) are not achieving the success of your colleagues. Sticking to a good business plan is a better strategy than being jealous of those who constantly post their success on social media and never their real-life failures or defeats.
Pivot If Necessary, But Don’t Give Up
With the ever advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI), we, as voice actors, are challenged to remain marketable and viable to clients. Let’s face it: AI is a real threat, but it doesn’t have to kill your dream. Continue to search for the right genre that is best for your voice. Keep marketing. If you love voice acting, look for non-conventional opportunities like Podcasting and other areas that need the acting that only comes from a human soul.
“Independent will is our capacity to act. It gives us the power to transcend our paradigms, to swim upstream, to rewrite our scripts, to act based on principle rather than reacting based on emotion or circumstance.”
Stephen R. Covey
Be Prepared To Walk Alone
As time goes by, you will undoubtedly face many challenges to your dream. Some will tell you to give up, close down, or suggest you were not cut out for voice acting. Don’t let anyone steal your dream. Failure is not a crime. However, allowing someone to talk you out of pursuing your dream and you then living with that nagging thought of “if only I hadn’t given up,” will not make matters better.
Be prepared to walk alone, but with a good attitude and hope of reaching your desired success. Success can be elusive, but that’s true of many things in our life’s walk. Keep trying; what can it hurt? You may not spawn, but you may hear your voice a time or two over a streaming service or other media. There’s nothing like it.
Break that lip!